| Tampa Photographer |
Update: May 1st, 2015
Ok guys! We’re one day away from the 35 for 35 deadline and time to check out how I did last year. Overall, I have learned that I still need to hire a cook (because this cooking thing is just not in my DNA), take a writing class and develop better habits on how to manage my time. The last one is the hardest for me, I feel like time, on an everyday basis, just flies away from me and I need at least ten more hours each day to accomplish what I want. It’s definitely one goal I will be adding to my 36 for 36. Speaking of my new list, it’s coming soon…this year I’ll be posting it on my birthday month instead of my actual birthday day (told ya!…I need more hours! )
I have started writing my list already but I have 5 spots I still need to fill… I would love some of your ideas on what I should not miss out doing for my 36th year on this earth! Any books you think are awesome I should read? Any places I should go? What have you done that you love lately? Give me some fun ideas!
Now it’s time to see how I did these past 364 days! Check out the updated list below and don’t forget to give me some ideas for my 36 for 36 coming soon!
May 2nd, 2014
Yep the big 3-5 is upon me today…and to be honest, I’m good with that…not freakin’ out too much! and yes… there are tons of things I miss about being in my 20’s….faster metabolism, less responsibilities and more time – to name just a few…did I mention a faster metabolism!?… But I think my 30’s have brought me more solid things – life changing experiences and lessons that have altered my being in ways metabolizing a pizza in under 1 hour can’t
Things like becoming a mom for the second time. A mom to a daughter – which has many differences than being a mom to my wonderful son. My daughter Ali is a true and clear reflection of me and seeing a little person act like you all the time has been an real eye-opening experience, showing me a clearer view of who and how I am. Some good and some with room for improvement….
I was able to find my path to professional photography in my 30’s too – transforming a dream into a reality and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. I also feel that I’m more comfortable with myself this decade- shedding some of the insecurities and people-pleasing traits I had in my 20’s. I’ve learned more about who I am, what I like and where I stand and how to be comfortable with all of it. Of course, that’s a lesson that will continue for the rest of my life, because I think it would be mighty boring to never learn something new about yourself and ways you can change or improve upon….
So it’s safe to say that I’m loving my thirties so far! And since I’m officially right smack in the middle of them, I thought I would do what I like to do best to celebrate…make a list! (Yes, guys I am admittedly a big nerd). I actually really love making lists, but I like crossing things off that list so much more!!! It’s better than chocolate for me!! (told ya…total nerd!).
So this 35 for 35 includes everything from personal to professional goals I hope to fulfill in my 35th year and putting them here for all to see, is a way for me to stay accountable and motivated. I know I may not be able to accomplish everything on the list here – but it won’t stop me from trying I promise to keep you guys updated on each number I am able to cross off this exciting year! Thank you for being part of this journey with me!
35 for 35
1. Read the E-myth book (done! I dragged reading it but finished it)
2. Take a writing class (because if you’ve read any of my blog posts well…you know I am not a writer! lol) (unfortunately for anyone who’s reading my posts…this did not happen..yet! Lol)
3. Blog more often ( 3 times per week) (this just started to happen after attending the Katelyn James workshop and I’m doing pretty good I think! Plan on keeping it up! For now 1/2 point)
4. Launch my “Give-back” foundation/program (I’m so sad this didn’t get launched! This will def. go on my 36 for 36 list! – coming soon! )
5. Exercise!!! Commit to exercising at least 3 times per week (OK…maybe 2) (started Pure Barre a few weeks ago…not fully committed though so fail on this one!)
6. Purchase 24-70mm lens (done! 01/2015)
7. Find a better, more balanced schedule to spend more time with the kids (Ugh…I will be honest and vulnerable here and say fail on this one…I will say I have gotten better but not as good as I want to be with my time yet)
8. Purchase another FF camera (done! Got my new baby 02/2015 #Mark3)
9. Shoot a wedding in another State (No but I shot an engagement in another State so I count this as 1/2)
10.Shoot a wedding in another country (this will def. go on my 36 for 36 list!)
11. Vacation with the kids to another state (Our first attempt at a vacation will be after my B-day in late May to Orlando!! Excited but nervous…It’s not in another state but I count it as 1/2)
12. Vacation alone with Doug (anywhere! lol) (Went for a getaway weekend in Orlando – Thank you Mom and Dad!)
13. Take Doug’s pictures (yes…this is a goal because he never lets me do it!) (yay! done! Check out my #handsomehubs here!)
14. Take salsa lessons (Oh lordy! I totally looked up classes and even called once…i think…but never committed! This will def. go on my 36 for 36!)
15. Continue to improve my OCF skills (I know there’s tons more to learn but I feel awesome on where I am with OCF )
16. Develop a referral program (Still working on this idea!)
17. Take more pictures of my own kids! (professional and candid) (I don’t know if I will ever feel I took enough pics of them..but I did shoot more)
18. Have a professional shoot taken with my family (to included parents, us, siblings and kids) (Oh darnet! I can’t believe this didn’t happen! I will def. put this together this year!!)
19. Have a professional couple session with Doug! (Done! Pictures coming soon! SO excited to show you!)
20. Develop my preferred wedding vendor relationships further. (I’ve met and worked with tons of new awesome vendors! Love all my new “friendors” )
21. Join another networking group and make friends with someone I’ve never met before (Completed 09-11-14 |Joined Shutter Sisters and went to a meeting, met and made friends with lots of awesome people
22. Set work-home limits and boundaries (unplug myself at least 3 nights per week) (Not as bad as I use to be…but not there yet! Unplugging is SO hard!! #addicted)
21. Practice and Master sparkler writing photography (Ok! Me and Doug totally practiced and feel so comfortable shooting this now but I don’t know if we have “mastered” so I call this 1/2)
22. Attend 2 major photography conferences (Done! Did one in Arizona and One in Virginia! Pics comings soon!)
23. Attend 1 photography workshop (Completed 09-11-14 | Jerry Ghionis, How to Wow Tour!)
24. Write a handwritten letter to my kids and include a picture of us (I started to write the letters…never finished them
25. Spend more time with my parents individually without the kids (I don’t think we had enough time together without the kids for this count so fail on this one
26. Get published in The Knot Magazine (online or print) (done! What?!! did that really happen?!! yes!! Click here to see the feature!)
27. Wear something other than yoga pants a little less (Completed around November when my sweet and stylish friend MADE me buy skinny legging jeans!- actually pretty comfortable)
28. Get the girls together for a Karaoke GNO and document it (it would be fun to see those pics in 10 years) I tried so hard to make this happen! But the girls vetoed karaoke
29. Go to a concert or play (Completed 09-13-14 | Freestyle Explosion!)
30. Put together and shoot 2 stylized photo shoots with my favorite vendors (One down, Royal Blush 09-24-14 )
31. Eat better- anything is better than what I’m doing now! (I need to hire a cook! anyone know of one?!)
32. Take the kids to Disney (Completed 09-20-14 so much fun!! )
33. More wild game nights with friends (you know who you are!) (I don’t know about “wild” but had a few along the year…so 1/2 points! )
34. Learn to cook a new Peruvian dish (need your help Mom!!) (see #31)
35. Stop running around so much…take more moments to just be present, pay attention to the details and enjoy life. (umm..I will say 1/2 on this one! Although I have my moments of woe is me and no one is as (insert negative adjective here) , I truly try to be more present and enjoy my days…I am aware of how fast time is flying by and appreciate all the crazy in my life and really do love living it so….Half point!!
And here’s a few of my updated shots to celebrate my 35!
Photos: My wonderful and talented hubby Doug!
Make-up : Janice Bigio