My little man is 7 today. It feels unreal that he’s that me he’s my baby. He’s the one that made me a mom on what feels like yesterday, my baby, my buddy…I don’t think that will feeling will ever change. He will forever be my baby.
This happy and funny boy, who makes our heart swell, who makes us laugh and who challenges us in every way possible- not only to be better parents but better people- is turning 7 years old today…wow! It so funny how 7 years can feel like a blink of an eye and forever ago all at once.
If I had to tell you only one thing about Evan, I would tell you about his great big heart. He’s a genuinely kind and sweet boy who loves like noone else. He loves BIG and though he has a hard time expressing that in typical ways, if you have ever seen his smile or gotten one of his heart melting hugs, you know I’m right.
He’s also stubborn and determined! ( just like his momma 😉 ) LOL He can take me to the edge, challenging everything I thought I knew about myself and then, just when I need it the most, he will look at me, smile, crack a joke or give me a kiss. And I am done for. Just like that I know we must be doing something right, because here is an amazing little man.
At this age what I want to remember how talkative he’s gotten! His words have become full sentences and questions…One of the best things to hear is all the things that he’s been wondering about this whole time. And he’s a riot too! I want to remember his funny quirks, like his love for vacuums and referees. He’s a hardcore music lover and will out dance you any day of the week! His favorites right now are “Counting Stars” by One Republic and “Shake it off ” by TS. Mostly, I want to remember how happy he is! How he adores his best friend and mischief partner, his little sister and how his smiles make my world better in an instance.
Happy Birthday my sweet and handsome boy! Daddy, Ali and I love you forever and always! <3