| Tampa family photographer |
Happy Monday friends! My littlest sunshine turned 3 this weekend! So exciting and truly amazing – that old cliche is not for nothing…time does truly fly.
Although she’s only 3, she’s SO grown you guys! She’s in the “what is that” or “why?” stage, constantly wanting to learn. She is a total chatter box too, telling her daddy every detail of what her day included as soon as he gets home…so sneak shopping trips are officially out for me ’cause I get told on by her recital of the day! Learned that the hard way She’s learning right from wrong and will innocently correct you if you tell a white lie in public and being the parrot that she is, foul words are repeated now if you don’t watch out!- learned that the hard way too… The lady at Target is probably still blushing!
She’s also amazingly kind, always has been, but lately she’s such a caring “mommy” to her brother, teaching him numbers and colors by playing games with him. The other day when I picked him up at school, I heard her say to him, “How was your day papa?” Did you have fun at school?”…Who is this teenager in my car?!
She loves to play house and anything mommy related…feeding her babies, rocking them to sleep and putting them down in her bed to sleep (shusshing everyone along the way so they don’t “wake the baby”) and cooking! She loves to “cook” every combination of every food she’s ever tried in her long 3 years of life and feeds them to anyone who is willing to eat it- gourmet Mac and cheese topped with popsicle or Rice/Beans on a bed of lasagna are her specialty!
She busts out in song at random times of the day and it’s so darn adorable. She still has that little girl lisp where your “S” and “T” are wobbly so when she belts out a few lines of “Let it Go” I always ask for an encore…
At 3, what I want to remember the most is how happy and kind she is ….My favorite part of the day is watching her laugh and run around the house giggling all the time.
8A special Thank you to Aunt Jen who was my second set of hands because you know…
one kid vs. mommy with camera and props and well… stuff is not a fair fight !!
We love Aunt Jen <3