These high school sweethearts were SO much fun to hang out with and photograph! There wasn’t a single moment when they weren’t laughing or having an awesome time together…and every time they looked at each other it was sparks!
It’s hard not to absolutely adore Joey and Veronica from the moment you meet them~ I can’t hardly wait for their Bella Collina Wedding next year!

Can not be any cuter!!!

“…The way he looks at me when he smiles, or the way he grins when he tells a joke, makes my heart and life so complete. No matter what the circumstances may be, I know that I will always he a happy girl with him in my life…”- Veronica

“I love (her) loyalty. I love how she believes in me no matter what, her intelligence… I love her ability to create a home, I love her beauty, love her compassion…. I love her. ” – Joey

I’m admittedly obsessed with Veronica’s aaahhmazing Tulle skirt !! It was just perfection!