| Usf Engagement |
Gotta love Florida summers. Just as we arrived at the beautiful USF campus, the rain decided it would come down too! As Emily, Aaron and I sat there waiting for the rain to pass and contemplating what to do if it didn’t, they said “Let’s just go for it!”. These two are awesome -They just pulled out their umbrella, threw caution to the wind and had a great time together during their engagement session- Emily and Aaron are so in love, there were times I don’t even think they noticed the rain… 
Of course, mother nature can’t resist a couple in that’s so adorable and so in love ,so she graciously let the clouds part and let us have a few minutes with the sunset toward the end of our evening together!
Here are a few of my favorites of Emily and Aaron’s session…

What a Gorgeous couple!

What one exciting thing about marrying your fiancee?
“…Being able to go through life with my best friend. I know that through all of the happy and sad times, challenging and easy times, I will be next to someone that is my rock. He balances me completely.”

A. What’s one of the best parts about marrying Emily?
“the fact that we get to share everything and realizing all the different things we’re going to do together as husband and wife…”